Your Own Platform to Freelance

We help connect providers and the employers for locums while maximizing earnings for both the parties through most efficient vendor provider management systems and freelancing designed with best algorithmic models and business analytics

Find your dream locumshifts

Join thousands who’ve transformed their job search with Locumlancer. Access powerful tools designed to help you to land jobs faster.

About Locumlancer

Your direct line to your dream job!

Mauris ac hendrerit metus. Phasellus mattis lectus commodo felis egestas, id accumsan justo ultrices. Phasellus aliquet, sem a placerat dapibus, enim purus dictum lacus, nec ultrices ante dui ac ante.

Nulla Lorem mollit cupidatat irure. Laborum magna nulla duis ullamco cillum dolor. Voluptate exercitation incididunt aliquip deserunt reprehenderit elit laborum.

About Us
How it Works

Freelance For Providers

No hidden fees

We offer transparent contracts with no hidden fees and large commissions. We have a sustainable model that functions on marginal commission and we aim to get our providers the maximal earnings

No obligatory contracts

We are not a locum agency. We provide you contracts with no minimum obligations to work through our platform. This platform is yours and we want you to feel the same by letting the freelance.

You get cashbacks

The more you work, the higher your cash backs. We utilize transparent algorithmic model to achieve this. As the network grows, the cashbacks rate increase for everyone.

We store for you

Through our highly secured storage system, we help store your documents and help you apply much faster on subsequent jobs.

Till the end

We follow along your application process till the very end and also collect feedbacks from you and the employers to help us grow. We keep real time tracks and update both the parties seamlessly.
Let's Lance
How it works

Freelance for Employers

Save time and money

We help employers find locums quickly while reducing the work burden for their recruiters. We also help reduce the cost of hiring locum with our sustainable model.

Wider pool of providers

We strive to maintain a wider and reliable pool of providers that will help fill the positions with ease of access

Customizable hiring

We help employers customize the hiring needs and cater to those. We have fully enhanced platform that helps us achieve this.

Fully transparent payment process

We help relay the contracts directly from employer to the provider with no hidden fees and with full transparency

Till the enhanced

We support your needs and help you track the progress of hiring and ensure you the necessary tools needed with the help of our platform
Let's Lance